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Functional Design : Principles, Patterns, and Practices > TextBook

Functional Design : Principles, Patterns, and Practices 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Robert Martin

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 60,000원
판매가격 57,000원
출판사 Pearson Education (US)
ISBN 9780138176396
페이지 384 pages
크기 231 x 178 (mm)
언어 ENG
국가 GB
무게 660g
원산지 GB
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Functional Design : Principles, Patterns, and Practices
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    A Practical Guide to Better, Cleaner Code with Functional Programming In Functional Design, renowned software engineer Robert C. Martin ("Uncle Bob") explains how and why to use functional programming to build better systems for real customers. Martin compares conventional object-oriented coding structures in Java to those enabled by functional languages, identifies the best roles for each, and shows how to build better systems by judiciously using them in context.

    Martin's approach is pragmatic, minimizing theory in favor of "in the-trenches" problem-solving. Through accessible examples, working developers will discover how the easy-to-learn, semantically rich Clojure language can help them improve code cleanliness, design, discipline, and outcomes. Martin examines well-known SOLID principles and Gang of Four Design Patterns from a functional perspective, revealing why patterns remain extremely valuable to functional programmers, and how to use them to achieve superior results.

    Understand functional basics: immutability, persistent data, recursion, iteration, laziness, and statefulnessContrast functional and object approaches through expertly crafted case studiesExplore functional design techniques for data flowUse classic SOLID principles to write better Clojure codeMaster pragmatic approaches to functional testing, GUIs, and concurrencyMake the most of design patterns in functional environmentsWalk through building an enterprise-class Clojure application "Functional Design exudes 'classic-on-arrival'. Bob pulls back the curtain to reveal how functional programming elements make software design simple yet pragmatic. He does so without alienating experienced object-oriented programmers coming from languages like C#, C++, or Java."--Janet A.

    Carr, Independent Clojure Consultant Register your book for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details. 

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선택된 옵션

  • Functional Design : Principles, Patterns, and Practices
