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Sustainable Tourism > 외국도서

Sustainable Tourism 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Weaver

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 49,000원
판매가격 46,600원
출판사 Routledge
ISBN 9780750664387
페이지256 pages
크기 246 x 188 x 14 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 486g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • Sustainable Tourism
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Sustainable Tourism comprehensively examines the theoretical and applied dimensions of contemporary sustainable tourism from a global perspective. Using international case studies and examples, it provides cutting edge coverage of the latest developments in the area, both theoretically and practically. It takes the reader through all aspects of sustainable tourism from the emergence of the paradigm to sustainability issues in all types of tourism and all components of the industry.

    Divided into 11 chapters it covers* ?Alternative tourism? (AT), or small-scale tourism and its associated pros and cons* Sustainable tourism within the conventional ?mass? tourism sector: the ?green consumer?, transportation, accommodation, attractions and tour operator considering issues and developments in quality control* Destination sustainability: issues of community empowerment and ideal sustainability models* Conclusions for the future of sustainable tourismThe wide variety of international case studies used include: backpacking in Australia and Spain, Volunteer tourism in the US, Six Continents and Marriott hotels, Disney World, the Grand Prix, the Grand Canyon, mountain gorilla parks in Uganda and many more. Specifically written for courses in the specific topic area of sustainable tourism, this textbook considers the needs of both students and lecturers as follows:* Ideal for a semester course (or a 42-hour course)* Global perspective throughout the chapters and in the breadth of illustrative boxed case studies;* Chapters exceptionally well-integrated through frequent cross-references* End-of-chapter questions that prompt deeper integrative thinking on the part of the reader. * Online resources for the lecturer, including PowerPoint presentations and multiple choice exercises 

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    * 해외 직배송도서 취소수수료 : 수입제반비용(국내 까지의 운송비, 관세사비, 보세창고료, 내륙 운송비, 통관비 등)에 따른 비용

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    - 대금 환불 및 환불 지연에 따른 배상금 지급 조건, 절차 등은 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자 보호에 관한 법률에 따라 처리함

선택된 옵션

  • Sustainable Tourism
