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VIOLENT CRIME:Clinical and Social Implications > 외국도서

VIOLENT CRIME:Clinical and Social Implications 요약정보 및 구매

저자 : Ferguson, Christopher J

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

시중가격 55,000원
판매가격 52,250원
출판사 Sage
ISBN 9781412959933
페이지416 pages
크기 252 x 178 x 19 (mm)
언어 ENG
무게 794g
포인트 0점
배송비결제 주문시 결제

선택된 옵션

  • VIOLENT CRIME:Clinical and Social Implications
  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명

    Offering a unique and interdisciplinary focus on the roots of violence, Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications explores cutting-edge research on the etiology, nature, assessment, and treatment of individuals who commit violent crimes. This edited volume covers the foundations of criminal behavior, offers a balanced discussion of both environmental and biological research, and includes articles written by top researchers and scholars in the field. In Part I, Violent Crime examines the origins of violence, including family and other social factors, media violence, genetics, biochemistry, and head injuries.

    Part II delves into research on specific subgroups of offenders, including sex offenders, domestic violence perpetrators, murderers, and serial murderers. Part III focuses on issues related to victimology, prevention, and the treatment of violent offenders. Key Features Draws from a wide range of disciplines, including criminology, sociology, biology, medical science, genetics, clinical psychology, and psychiatry Introduces students to cutting-edge research on genetic, biochemical, and traumatic brain injury-related causes and correlates of violent crime Presents a systematic introduction to the current state of the field (and its likely future) through articles from leading researchers in the various subfields of violent crime Includes case studies with salient, fascinating examples of actual crimes and criminals to help students understand key points Offers an international focus, with authors from Canada, England, Greece, and Spain, as well as from the United States Provides end-of-chapter learning aids, including summaries, discussion questions, Internet resources, and suggestions for further reading A must-read for any student of criminological research, Violent Crime: Clinical and Social Implications can be used as a core or supplementary text in undergraduate and graduate courses on Violent Crime, Interpersonal Violence, and Social Deviance. 

    상품 정보 고시

  • 사용후기

    Part I. Causes of Crime
    1. Violent Crime Research: An Introduction - Christopher J. Ferguson
    2. Family and Social Influences on Violent Crime - John C. Kilburn, Jr., Jenifer Lee
    3. Media Violence Effects and Violent Crime: Good Science or Moral Panic? - Christopher J. Ferguson
    4. Evolutionary and Genetic Explanations of Violent Crime - Martin Gottschalk, Lee Ellis
    5. The Biochemistry of Violent Crime - Kevin M. Beaver
    6. Brain Injuries and Violent Crime - Jose León-Carrión, Francisco Javier Chacartegui-Ramos
    Part II. The Offenders
    7. Violence Among School-Aged Youth: An Examination of School, Gang, Dating, and Sexual Violence - Cricket Meehan, Patricia Kerig
    8. Violence and the Elderly - Jeanette M. Daly
    9. Beyond Violence Against Women: Gender Inclusiveness in Domestic Violence Research, Policy, and Practice - Sarah L. Desmarais, Andrea Gibas, Tonia L. Nicholls
    10. Physical Child Abuse - Mary E. Haskett, Sharon G. Portwood, Kristen M. Lewis
    11. Sexual Offenders - Karen G. Terry, Orestis Giotakos, Maria Tsiliakou, Alissa R. Ackerman
    12. Hate Crimes - Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld
    13. Murder in a Comparative Context - Jennifer Schwartz
    14. Serial Murder - Maria Ioannou
    Part III. Victims, Prevention, and Treatment
    15. Victimology - Arthur J. Lurigio
    16. Prevention and Treatment of Violent Offending/Offenders - Mary Clair, Lisa Faille, Joseph V. Penn
    About the Editor
    About the Contributors 

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선택된 옵션

  • VIOLENT CRIME:Clinical and Social Implications
